Chapter One :Chapter 1

  While standing at backstage Hina was feeling so proud and happy to see that finally she proved herself.

  Three years ago, she participated in a ramp walk in High school student's week when her step brother Richie saw her on stage he was so angry that he grabbed her hairs and dragged her back home without worrying about people around them. Richie is her step father Noyan's son her father Chan died in a car accident a year ago Noyan was Chan's colleague after Chan's death he often came to her house to offer help to her mother. He helped Tina in insurance procedures on day when Tina got Chan's insurance money they both ran to register their marriage. Hina was dumbfounded when her mother told her that she married Noyan and from now onwards he and his son will live in our house, she didn't like Noyan and his son Richie. Richie was her class fellow he was a playboy he often tried to hit on her but she never responded back but now they are going to live in same house how she will avoid him. In the beginning Noyan was too good with Tina but after a month he started abusing her and hitting her after getting drunk every night he fuck her and torture her and next morning he will cry and ask for Tina's forgiveness by saying that he was drunk. Every time Tina will forgive him as she love him so much. On the other hand Richie was also not letting Hina go, in front of their parents he shows brother love and touch her his touch not like brother but like a prevert but Hina can't stop him because if she do her mother and Noyan blame her for having dirty mind and abuse her, so she have to endure it to suffer less. At night Richie tries to enter her room to bully her but she keep it locked but he keeps on doing it every night to prevent herself from getting bullied by him she started staying in her friend Rija's house for group studies. When Hina was 6 years old she saw a modelling ad and told her father that she wants to be a model. Chan was a broadminded person he supported her to fulfil her dream to come true but unfortunately Noyan was a conservative person he hated these types of professions, he torn all the modelling magazines and posters that Hina kept in her room and slapped her so hard that she have to skip school for a week to hide finger marks on her face. Noyan than warned Tina, "If your daughter brought shame on my family by doing these things I'll kill you and her". That night was so miserable for Tina he fucked her nonstop than used sex toys to torture her because of it Tina was hospitalised for 2 days. After coming home she blamed Hina for all this and stopped her pocket money because of which Hina started doing a part-time job in departmental store. At the moment when her mother blamed her for all the misery she had planned in her heart that she will safe money and leave this house to live her own life.

  Today she didn't participated as a model in ramp walk she registered herself as a volunteer at backstage but during preparation one of the main model Rosy used an expiry product on face which damaged her skin her condition was so serious that teachers send her to the hospital for treatment. At this time they just have 20 minutes to start the show Rosy was the main model of the show, after she was gone they can't find another model to replace her in this short time they can't even change models positions now as it will effect the whole show. "What on earth we are going to do!" Mr. Athen shouted and paniced. "Don't worry will find the solution, but first calm down if you'll act like this everyone will panic" Ms. Rita tried to calm him down than an idea hit her she shouted excitedly on walkie talkie "Hina where are you come here HINA! From lighting team come here".

  "Why are you calling Hina" Mr. Athen asked. Ms. Rita said "She is good in modelling she use to participate as main model in ramp walks before and she knows Rosy part as well she will be a perfect substitute for Rosy" when Mr. Athen heard it his eyes lit he SHOUT on walkie talkie "HINA FOR LIGHTING TEAM COME TO THE MAKE ROOM RIGHT NOW".

  In less than 5 minutes Hina rushed to make up room she was panting "What happened Mr. Athen and Ms. Rita why are you looking for me. Is something wrong with lighting? Let me tell you Roy is responsible for it me and others are just following his instructions". Ms. Rita came forward and hold Hina's right hand and said, "Don't worry dear you haven't done anything wrong, it's just we need your help". "My help" Hina was both confuse and surprised. Ms. Rita continued, "It's just that Rosy have accidentally used expired product on her face and because of severe reaction we had no choice but to send her hospital".

  "Oh do you want me to go hospital to accompany her, don't worry I'll go there right now in which hospital she is?" Hina said

  "No it's not what we want, we want you to take her place on ramp", Ms. Rita explained.

  "WHAT.." Hina was shocked than she refused Ms. Rita, "I'm sorry but I can't do it, you know my family strictly forbad me from modelling I can't do it".

  When Mr. Athen heard her he got anxious, jumped up and said "Please Hina you are the only one who can save us today". He moved close to Hina and said "Today top celebrities and renowned figures of industry are invited if we failed to put on a good show we will not loose our face but we'll loose our jobs too. Please safe us".

  Ms. Rita knows about Hina's family problems, she lives in Hina's neighbourhood and knows how conservative and abuse Noyan is. She knows how much Hina loves modelling but because of Noyan she can't pursue her career in it. Ms. Rita knew that if Noyan knew she is took part in modelling he will cause trouble. She also knew Richie is the only one who can tell Noyan about it. Ms. Rita looked at Mr. Athen and said, "Mr. Athen wait outside let me talk to her I'll convince her don't worry". Mr. Athen was reluctant to leave before hearing Hina positive reply but after looking at the situation he nod, "OK I'm waiting outside,please decide soon" after saying it he left.

  Ms. Rita pulled Hina nearby sofa and sat down with her she looked at her and said, "Hina I know why you can't participate but if Noyan never know about it, he won't cause any trouble". Hina looked up and said, "But how's it possible Richie will never hide anything from his father".

  Ms. Rita smiled and said, "If no one knows you are participating in place of Rosy how will Richie know huh!" after saying it she winked at Hina. Hina was confused, "How is that possible?" she asked. Ms. Rita stood up and walk to dressing room, she came back with a mask in her hand and said "If you wear a mask no one will see your face problem solved". After listening to ms. Rite Hina's eyes lit up to be honest she was looking forward to participate in this show as a model but because of Noyan she decided to take part in volunteer team to gain experience so in future she can fulfil her dream after leaving her house. During rehearsals she used to ask for permission from Ms. Rita to stay back and do ramp walk, while Ms. Rita use to guard rehearsal area so Richie won't find out what Hina is doing. Everyday she use to practice parts of each model that's why Ms. Rita was confident that Hina is the best replacement for Rosy.

  Hina stood up in excitement but next second she remembered her and her mother's miserable condition last time, she hesitated, "But what if something goes wrong?"

  Ms. Rita rush towards Hina hold here hands and said, "Hina dear I saw you in rehearsal you are amazing you can be a very successful model in future if you pursue this career I understand that you are scared of Noyan and Richie but believe me no one will be able to recognise you, and Rosy will never let anyone know that you took her place as you know she will never give you her limelight. Please think about it, it's your greatest chance big names of this industry will see you on ramp no one knows maybe you'll get your first chance tonight".

  After listening to ms. Rita Hina though that maybe it will help anyway she already earned enough to support herself and planned to moved out next month if Noyan knew about it, it won't matter as she will be independent soon. She looked up into Ms. Rita's eyes, "OK I'll do it".

  "PERFECT", Ms. Rita shouted in joy "Mr. Athen come in Hina is ready to participate in Rosy's place".

  After hearing Ms. Rita's words Mr. Athen rushed into room in excitement and said, "Thank you Hina, come on we don't have time hurry up get dressed". MS. Rita said, "Don't worry I'll help her but don't let anyone come here no one should know that Hina is going to replace Rosy.". Mr. Athen got puzzled, "why you want to hide it?"

  Ms. Rita looked at Mr. Athen and said in serious mood, "You Mr. Gu is chief guest of today's show and he also sponsored this event to encourage young talent, we've already shared models details with his secretary this morning. You know how serious he takes these things if he knew that we changed the main model without notifying in advance. He will never let it go, and if he lost his temper no one knows what he'll do with us".

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